
A Nation in Decline?

The election is over, the people have spoken. It is time to move on. At each election, the losing side always screams "get rid of the electoral college," blah blah blah. That system was put in place for a reason, I suggest you learn why before you throw it out. Then if you still don't like it, work to change it; but you may find that our founding fathers weren't that dumb.

It's not about politics, it's about character. In my opinion, Donald Trump was never (and will never be) fit or qualified for the office he now will hold. The words sleaze, immoral and scumbag come to mind. He never engages his brain before he runs his mouth. He is a bully. Even though I have serious concerns about the ability of the American people to intelligently govern themselves, to make even adequate choices, this election is a "done-deal" and we must move on.

Do I think the voters have been conned? Yes. But remember that Trump is simply a reflection of what the people of this country are already thinking, (and at least in some cases) in all their narrow-minded ugliness. We had thought things, person to person, were not how they used to be - that things were better. We have discovered that isn't the case. Our real problem is how do we deal with that?

I wonder how I can ever see "America" in the same way again. This nation is not what I thought it was and that is depressing, even heartbreaking. But my hope is that what we've apparently "lost" is still within us and we discover and reaffirm it again after this temporary flirtation with the less-than-admirable side of our very-human nature. Some day, perhaps we will finally learn that fear of the "other" is an irrational thing. Some day, maybe we'll recognize that our nation's founding principles apply to all.

The secondary problem is that our government no longer works - and it won't until both sides work together. I see no evidence that is about to happen and even less likelihood with this particular electee. The GOP has the reins for the next couple of years. Let's see if they can solve some of our problems. Then we get another do-over. That's how it works. All the moaning and gnashing of teeth solves nothing. And although I remain highly doubtful, if their "plans" work, what have we lost?

"Make America great again" has different meanings to different people. For me, it means a return to the values of honesty, integrity, honor, duty, service, and diligence (work ethic). These are values that made us leaders, made us great. I don't see how this man can lead us back to them, as I don't see that he shares them. There are many people in America today that I love, that I don't think he cares about.  I will give him the opportunity to surprise me, mainly because we don't have a choice about that now; but sometimes a man can rise to a challenge.  Sometimes, men become what you expect of them.  Hope.

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