
Thanksgiving 2010

I am smoking the turkey for the first time this year – I have done breasts before but not a whole bird. I got a smaller one, about eleven pounds and have it in the smoker with some apple wood at 325 degrees and steady. It should be ready in about two or three more hours at the most. My part of Thanksgiving dinner will be the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy. I will make a pumpkin pie; Mom is doing the rest – a fruit salad and green beans. We will eat well.

Things for which I am thankful… I am thankful for being born in this, the free-est country in the world. There are others like us in the free world, but my nation started the movement 250 years ago. I am especially thankful for the men and women who came before us, struggled and made this possible. When I think of those in other parts of the world, even civilized parts of the world, like China, who cannot even speak their thoughts without risk of retribution, persecution, even death, then I think that I am most fortunate.

We acknowledge that things are not perfect, but we can grouse and complain without fear. And we truly can change some of the things we don’t like. Oh yes, it is a struggle and sometimes we fail when we find there are overwhelming powers that are arrayed against us, but there is unresistable power in our citizenry when we unite.  May we never forget that.  And someday, our rights and freedoms will be universal for ALL Americans; we will make that happen.

I am thankful for my health as good as it is, and for the medical care and science that helps me maintain it. I should take better care of myself! I could make better choices sometimes, but Nurse Teel is a goddess!

I am thankful for my lovely dottir, who is finding her way in the world and making a success of herself as a human being. I am glad that all my children are healthy; I love them all.

I am especially thankful for the extracurricular privileges I have been afforded; so many others struggle just to survive, but I have an easy existence and in particular, I have been able to travel and learn beyond my equitable share, beyond what was even imaginable for an average human being just 150 years ago.

I am grateful for many simple things; sitting outside in the evening to watch the sunset or the stars, campfires, rich coffee with chocolate, or just chocolate… hearing waves crash onto a shore, a good book…my warm and snug bed in the early morning – or the LATE morning as the case may be. I am so fortunate to have the few good friends that bless me… Dave, Gloria and Jim, Dick and Susie, Minette, Chad and Lisa, and some others.  I am also fortunate to have such a simple, uncomplicated life.  I treasure the warmth of the Arizona sunshine on my face and am most thankful for warm, home-made apple pie.

I am lucky beyond measure to have a profession that I love; one that can have a positive impact on others’ lives, if they would just LISTEN to me!

I am thankful for my family, especially those that came just before me, many of whom I knew and loved but are no longer present in this particular world. Life is short, fast and by no means certain. The older I get, the more I realize that each moment is essentially stolen time. I am thankful for all those stolen moments and for those still to come should there be more.  I am thankful to be living in this exciting time.

I am thankful for all of these things.

Rex admirabilis
et triumphator nobilis,
dulcedo ineffabilis,
totus desiderabilis, totus desiderabilis.

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